Hence in Nov 2020, SEBI introduced Flexi Cap Funds which are similar to Multi Cap Funds but follow a flexible investment mandate. The key difference between multicap and flexicap fund is the flexibility the latter has in changing allocation between large caps, mid caps and small caps while ensuring 65% of its assets are allocated to equity and equity related instruments. For instance, if the fund manager feels a need to reduce exposure to small caps during economic uncertainty, he/she can reduce the allocation to zero and increase the allocation to large caps/mid caps. But a multi cap fund can’t manage its portfolio in such a dynamic manner.
Investors who find comfort in remaining invested across market capitalizations irrespective of the market cycles with a fixed allocation in small cap, mid cap and large cap companies, can choose Multi cap funds. Those who prefer a flexible investment strategy that can increase/decrease exposure across market caps depending on the market outlook can opt for Flexi cap funds.
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